Package: oce 1.8-4

Dan Kelley

oce: Analysis of Oceanographic Data

Supports the analysis of Oceanographic data, including 'ADCP' measurements, measurements made with 'argo' floats, 'CTD' measurements, sectional data, sea-level time series, coastline and topographic data, etc. Provides specialized functions for calculating seawater properties such as potential temperature in either the 'UNESCO' or 'TEOS-10' equation of state. Produces graphical displays that conform to the conventions of the Oceanographic literature. This package is discussed extensively by Kelley (2018) "Oceanographic Analysis with R" <doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-8844-0>.

Authors:Dan Kelley [aut, cre], Clark Richards [aut], Chantelle Layton [ctb], British Geological Survey [ctb, cph]

oce.pdf |oce.html
oce/json (API)

# Install 'oce' in R:
install.packages('oce', repos = c('', ''))

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Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3



15.36 score 146 stars 18 packages 4.2k scripts 3.3k downloads 10 mentions 413 exports 2 dependencies

Last updated 5 days agofrom:86d683ba20. Checks:10 OK, 1 FAILURE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 14 2025
R-4.5-win-x86_64OKFeb 14 2025
R-4.5-mac-x86_64OKFeb 14 2025
R-4.5-mac-aarch64OKFeb 14 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKFeb 14 2025
R-4.4-win-x86_64OKFeb 14 2025
R-4.4-mac-aarch64OKFeb 14 2025
R-4.4-mac-x86_64OUTDATEDFeb 13 2025
R-4.3-win-x86_64OKFeb 14 2025
R-4.3-mac-x86_64OKFeb 14 2025
R-4.3-mac-aarch64OKFeb 14 2025



Introduction to Oce

Rendered fromA_oce.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 14 2025.

Last update: 2024-12-07
Started: 2022-01-10

Analysis of CTD data

Rendered fromB_ctd.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 14 2025.

Last update: 2024-12-23
Started: 2022-01-10

Analysis of acoustic-Doppler data

Rendered fromC_adp.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 14 2025.

Last update: 2024-08-14
Started: 2022-01-10

Using map projections

Rendered fromD_map_projections.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 14 2025.

Last update: 2024-07-26
Started: 2022-01-10

Dealing with data-quality flags

Rendered fromE_flags.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 14 2025.

Last update: 2024-07-26
Started: 2022-01-10

Subclassing oce objects

Rendered fromF_subclassing.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 14 2025.

Last update: 2024-07-26
Started: 2022-01-10

Altering oce Defaults

Rendered fromG_altering_defaults.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 14 2025.

Last update: 2024-11-21
Started: 2023-06-22

Tidal Analysis

Rendered fromH_tides.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 14 2025.

Last update: 2024-12-07
Started: 2024-09-06

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Extract Something From an adp Object[[,adp-method
Extract Something from an adv Object[[,adv-method
Extract Something From an amsr Object[[,amsr-method
Extract Something From an argo Object[[,argo-method
Extract Something From a bremen Object[[,bremen-method
Extract Something From a cm Object[[,cm-method
Extract Something From a coastline Object[[,coastline-method
Extract Something From a ctd Object[[,ctd-method
Extract Something From an echosounder Object[[,echosounder-method
Extract Something From a g1sst Object[[,g1sst-method
Extract Something From a gps Object[[,gps-method
Extract Something From an ladp Object[[,ladp-method
Extract Something From a landsat Object[[,landsat-method
Extract Something From a lisst Object[[,lisst-method
Extract Something From a lobo Object[[,lobo-method
Extract Something From a met Object[[,met-method
Extract Something From an oce Object[[,oce-method
Extract Something From an odf Object[[,odf-method
Extract Something From a rsk Object[[,rsk-method
Extract Something From a sealevel Object[[,sealevel-method
Extract Something From a section Object[[,section-method
Extract Something From a tidem Object[[,tidem-method
Extract Something From a topo Object[[,topo-method
Extract Something From a windrose Object[[,windrose-method
Extract Something From an xbt Object[[,xbt-method
Replace Parts of an adp Object[[<-,adp-method
Replace Parts of an adv Object[[<-,adv-method
Replace Parts of an amsr Object[[<-,amsr-method
Replace Parts of an argo Object[[<-,argo-method
Replace Parts of a bremen Object[[<-,bremen-method
Replace Parts of a cm Object[[<-,cm-method
Replace Parts of a coastline Object[[<-,coastline-method
Replace Parts of a ctd Object[[<-,ctd-method
Replace Parts of an echosounder Object[[<-,echosounder-method
Replace Parts of a g1sst Object[[<-,g1sst-method
Replace Parts of a gps Object[[<-,gps-method
Replace Parts of an ladp Object[[<-,ladp-method
Replace Parts of a landsat Object[[<-,landsat-method
Replace Parts of a lisst Object[[<-,lisst-method
Replace Parts of a lobo Object[[<-,lobo-method
Replace Parts of a met Object[[<-,met-method
Replace Parts of an oce Object[[<-,oce-method
Replace Parts of an odf Object[[<-,odf-method
Replace Parts of an rsk Object[[<-,rsk-method
Replace Parts of a sealevel Object[[<-,sealevel-method
Replace Parts of a section Object[[<-,section-method
Replace Parts of a tidem Object[[<-,tidem-method
Replace Parts of a topo Object[[<-,topo-method
Replace Parts of a windrose Object[[<-,windrose-method
Replace Parts of an xbt Object[[<-,xbt-method
Abbreviate a Vector of Times by Removing CommonalitiesabbreviateTimeLabels
Map AD2CP ID Code to oce Namead2cpCodeToName
Infer an Item From a Nortek AD2CP File Headerad2cpHeaderValue
Add a Spine to a section ObjectaddSpine
Sample adp Dataadp
Sample adp File in RDI Formatadp_rdi.000
Class to Store Acoustic-Doppler Profiler Dataadp-class
Trim an AD2CP FileadpAd2cpFileTrim
Convert Raw to Numeric Values in an adp ObjectadpConvertRawToNumeric
Ensemble Average an adp Object in TimeadpEnsembleAverage
Flag adp Data Past Water Column BoundaryadpFlagPastBoundary
Trim an RDI adp FileadpRdiFileTrim
Sample adv Dataadv
Class to Store Acoustic-Doppler Velocimeter Dataadv-class
Trim a Sontek ADR adv FileadvSontekAdrFileTrim
Air DensityairRho
Sample amsr Data (Near Nova Scotia)amsr
Class to Store AMSR-2 Satellite Dataamsr-class
Convert Astronomical Angle in Degrees to Hours, Minutes and Secondsangle2hms
Convert Angle From 0:360 to -180:180 ConventionangleRemap
Alter an Object to Account for Magnetic Declination (Generic)applyMagneticDeclination
Alter an adp Object to Account for Magnetic DeclinationapplyMagneticDeclination,adp-method
Alter an adv Object to Account for Magnetic DeclinationapplyMagneticDeclination,adv-method
Alter a cm Object to Account for Magnetic DeclinationapplyMagneticDeclination,cm-method
Alter an Object to Account for Magnetic DeclinationapplyMagneticDeclination,oce-method
Trilinear Interpolation in a 3D Arrayapprox3d
Sample argo Dataargo
Class to Store Argo Profiler Dataargo-class
Coerce argo Data Into a ctd Objectargo2ctd
Grid Argo Float DataargoGrid
Convert Argo Julian Day to R TimeargoJuldToTime
Convert Argo Data Name to Oce NameargoNames2oceNames
Show a Function ArgumentargShow
Create an adp Objectas.adp
Coerce Data Into an argo Objectas.argo
Coerce Data Into a cm
Coerce Data Into a coastline Objectas.coastline
Coerce Data Into a ctd Objectas.ctd
Coerce Data Into an echosounder Objectas.echosounder
Coerce Data Into a gps Objectas.gps
Coerce Data Into an ladp objectas.ladp
Coerce Data Into a lisst Objectas.lisst
Coerce Data Into a lobo Objectas.lobo
Coerce Data Into a met Objectas.met
Coerce Something Into an oce Objectas.oce
Coerce Data Into a rsk Objectas.rsk
Coerce Data Into a sealevel Objectas.sealevel
Create a Sectionas.section
Create tidem Object From Fitted Harmonic Dataas.tidem
Coerce Data Into a topo Objectas.topo
Convert a String to a Unitas.unit
Create a windrose Objectas.windrose
Create an xbt Objectas.xbt
Convert a BCD Value to an Integer ValuebcdToInteger
Get Names of Acoustic-Doppler BeamsbeamName
Change the Coordinate System in an adv or adp ObjectbeamToXyz
Convert adp Object From Beam to XYZ CoordinatesbeamToXyzAdp
Convert From Beam to XYZ Coordinates (AD2CP adp Data)beamToXyzAdpAD2CP
Convert adv Object from Beam Coordinates to XYZ CoordinatesbeamToXyzAdv
Adjust adp Object to Account for Spherical SpreadingbeamUnspreadAdp
Bilinear Interpolation Within a GridbilinearInterp
Apply a Function to Vector DatabinApply1D
Apply a Function to Matrix DatabinApply2D
Bin-average a Vector y, Based on x ValuesbinAverage
Bin-count Vector DatabinCount1D
Bin-count Matrix DatabinCount2D
Bin-map an adp ObjectbinmapAdp
Bin-average f=f(x)binMean1D
Bin-average f=f(x,y)binMean2D
Determine oce Variable Names from an NERC/BODC NamesbodcNames2oceNames
Calculate a Bound, Rounded up to Mantissa 1, 2, or 5bound125
Class to Store Bremen-formatted Databremen-class
Format Bytes as Binary (Defunct)byteToBinary
Sample cm Datacm
Class to Store Current Meter Datacm-class
Infer Variable Name, Units and Scale From a Seabird HeadercnvName2oceName
Class to Store Coastline Datacoastline-class
Find the Name of the Best Coastline ObjectcoastlineBest
Cut a Coastline Object at Specified LongitudecoastlineCut
Sample coastline Data (Global, at 1:110M scale)coastlineWorld
Calculate a Color Mapcolormap
Create a GMT-type (CPT) ColormapcolormapGMT
Create a Composite Object by Averaging Across Good Datacomposite
Create a Composite of amsr Satellite Datacomposite,amsr-method
Composite by Averaging Across Datacomposite,list-method
Determine Available Derived Water PropertiescomputableWaterProperties
Concatenate oce Objects (Generic)concatenate
Concatenate adp Objectsconcatenate,adp-method
Concatenate a List of oce Objectsconcatenate,list-method
Concatenate oce Objects (oce-Specific)concatenate,oce-method
Coriolis Parameter on the Earthcoriolis
Sample ctd Datactd
Sample ctd File in aml Format 1ctd_aml_type1.csv.gz
Sample ctd File in aml Format 3ctd_aml_type3.csv.gz
Sample ctd File in .odf FormatCTD_BCD2014666_008_1_DN.ODF.gz
Class to Store CTD (or general hydrographic) Datactd-class
Sample ctd File in .cnv Formatctd.cnv.gz
Decimate a ctd ProfilectdDecimate
Find Profiles Within a Tow-Yow ctd RecordctdFindProfiles
Find Profiles Within a ctd Object Read From a RBR FilectdFindProfilesRBR
Sample ctd Data, Not Trimmed of Extraneous DatactdRaw
Repair a Malformed ctd ObjectctdRepair
Trim Beginning and Ending of a CTD castctdTrim
Interpret a Character String as a Time IntervalctimeToSeconds
Curl of 2D Vector Fieldcurl
Sample ctd File in .ctd Formatd200321-001.ctd.gz
Sample ctd File in .cnv Formatd201211_0011.cnv.gz
Sample Argo Profile
Associate Data Names With UnitsdataLabel
Smooth and Decimate, or Subsample, an oce Objectdecimate
Decode a Nortek HeaderdecodeHeaderNortek
Oce Version of as.POSIXctdecodeTime
Suggest a Default Flag Vector for Bad or Suspicious DatadefaultFlags
Remove Spikes From a Time Seriesdespike
Detrend a Set of Observationsdetrend
Download and Cache an amsr Filedownload.amsr
Download a coastline Filedownload.coastline
Download and Cache a met Filedownload.met
Download and Cache a topo Filedownload.topo
Draw a Direction FielddrawDirectionField
Add Isopycnal Curves to a TS PlotdrawIsopycnals
Draw a Palette, Leaving Margins Suitable for an Accompanying PlotdrawPalette
Sample echosounder Dataechosounder
Class to Store Echosounder Dataechosounder-class
Convert Ecliptical Coordinate to Equatorial CoordinateeclipticalToEquatorial
Rotate Acoustic-Doppler Data to a New Coordinate SystemenuToOther
Convert adp Object from ENU Coordinate to Rotated CoordinateenuToOtherAdp
Convert ENU to Other CoordinateenuToOtherAdv
Convert Equatorial Coordinate to Local Horizontal CoordinateequatorialToLocalHorizontal
Draw Error Bars on an Existing xy Diagramerrorbars
Fill a Gap in an oce ObjectfillGap
Fill a Gap in a MatrixfillGapMatrix
Find the Ocean Bottom in an Echosounder ObjectfindBottom
Get First Finite Value in a Vector or Array.firstFinite
Format a Confidence IntervalformatCI
Format Geographical Position in Degrees and MinutesformatPosition
Full Name of File, Including PathfullFilename
Class to Store G1SST Satellite/Model Datag1sst-class
Create a Possibly Gappy Indexing VectorgappyIndex
Compute Geodesic Distance on Surface of EarthgeodDist
Great-circle Segments Between Points on EarthgeodGc
Convert From Geographical to Geodesic CoordinatesgeodXy
Inverse Geodesic CalculationgeodXyInverse
Determine Time Offset From TimezoneGMTOffsetFromTz
Class to Store GPS Datagps-class
Calculate Matrix Gradientgrad
Acceleration Due to Earth Gravitygravity
Handle Flags in oce Objects (Generic)handleFlags
Handle Flags in adp ObjectshandleFlags,adp-method
Handle Flags in argo ObjectshandleFlags,argo-method handleFlags.argo
Handle Flags in ctd ObjectshandleFlags,ctd-method
Handle Flags in oce ObjectshandleFlags,oce-method
Handle flags in section ObjectshandleFlags,section-method handleFlags.section
Signal Erroneous Application to non-oce ObjectshandleFlags,vector-method
Low-Level Function for Handling Data-Quality FlagshandleFlagsInternal
Extract The Start of an Oce Objecthead.oce
Plot an Image with a Color Paletteimagep
Initialize Storage for a ctd Objectinitialize,ctd-method initialize.ctd
Create and Initialize oce FlagsinitializeFlags
Create and Initialize adp FlagsinitializeFlags,adp-method
Create and Initialize oce FlagsinitializeFlags,oce-method
Establish a Data-Quality Scheme for a oce ObjectinitializeFlagScheme
Establish a Data-Quality Scheme for a ctd ObjectinitializeFlagScheme,ctd-method
Establish a Data-Quality Scheme for a oce ObjectinitializeFlagScheme,oce-method
Establish a Data-Quality Scheme for a section ObjectinitializeFlagScheme,section-method
Establish a Data-Quality Scheme for a oce ObjectinitializeFlagSchemeInternal
Create and Initialize oce FlagsinitializeFlagsInternal
Infer ASCII Code From an Integer ValueintegerToAscii
Trapezoidal IntegrationintegrateTrapezoid
Grid Data Using the Barnes AlgorithminterpBarnes
Test Whether Item is a ad2cp-Type adp Objectis.ad2cp
Convert Julian-Day-Number to Julian CenturyjulianCenturyAnomaly
Convert a Time to a Julian DayjulianDay
Create Label With UnitlabelWithUnit
Class to Store Lowered-adp Dataladp-class
Sample landsat Datalandsat
Class to Store Landsat Satellite Datalandsat-class
Add a Band to a landsat ObjectlandsatAdd
Trim a landsat Image to a Geographical RegionlandsatTrim
Format a LatitudelatFormat
Format a Latitude-Longitude PairlatlonFormat
Sample lisst Datalisst
Class to Store LISST Datalisst-class
Sample lobo Datalobo
Class to Store LOBO Datalobo-class
Alter Longitude and Latitude for gsw ComputationslocationForGsw
Change Longitude From -180:180 to 0:360 Conventionlon360
Format a LongitudelonFormat
Try to Reduce Section Longitude RangelongitudeTighten
Convert Longitude and Latitude to X and Ylonlat2map
Convert Longitude and Latitude to UTMlonlat2utm
Look Within the First Element of a List for Replacement ValueslookWithin
Lowpass Digital Filteringlowpass
Earth Magnetic Declination, Inclination, and IntensitymagneticField
Make a Digital FiltermakeFilter
Convert X and Y to Longitude and Latitudemap2lonlat
Add Arrows to a MapmapArrows
Add Axis Labels to an Existing MapmapAxis
Add Contours on a Existing mapmapContour
Draw a Coordinate SystemmapCoordinateSystem
Add a Direction Field to an Existing MapmapDirectionField
Add a Longitude and Latitude Grid to an Existing MapmapGrid
Add an Image to a MapmapImage
Add Lines to a MapmapLines
Locate Points on a MapmapLocator
Convert From Longitude and Latitude to X and YmapLongitudeLatitudeXY
Draw a MapmapPlot
Add Points to a MapmapPoints
Add a Polygon to a MapmapPolygon
Add a Scalebar to a MapmapScalebar
Add Text to a MapmapText
Add Tissot Indicatrices to a MapmapTissot
Locate Byte Sequences in a Raw VectormatchBytes
Rearrange Areal Matrix so Greenwich is Near the CentrematrixShiftLongitude
Smooth a MatrixmatrixSmooth
Sample met Datamet
Class to Store Meteorological Datamet-class
Convert met Data Name to oce NamemetNames2oceNames
Lunar Angle as Function of Space and TimemoonAngle
Print an overview of the contents of a NetCDF filenetcdfTOC
Convert a Numeric Time to Hour, Minute, and SecondnumberAsHMS
Convert a Numeric Time to a POSIXct TimenumberAsPOSIXct
Base Class for oce Objectsoce-class
Deprecated and Defunct Elements of the oce Packageoce-defunct oce-deprecated
Version of as.raw() That Clips
Oce Version of axis.POSIXctoce.axis.POSIXct
Oce Variant of contouroce.contour oceContour
Add a Grid to an Existing Oce Plotoce.grid
Oce Variant of plot.tsoce.plot.ts
Write the Data Portion of Object to a Fileoce.write.table
Interpolate 1D Data with UNESCO or Reiniger-Ross Algorithmoce.approx oceApprox
Draw an Axis, Possibly with Decade-style Logarithmic ScalingoceAxis
Data That Define Some Color Palettesocecolors
Create Colors in a Red-Yellow-Blue Color Schemeoce.colors9B oceColors9B
Create Colors Suitable for CDOM Fieldsoce.colorsCDOM oceColorsCDOM
Create Colors Suitable for chlorophyll Fieldsoce.colorsChlorophyll oceColorsChlorophyll
Create Color FunctionsoceColorsClosure
Create Colors Suitable for density Fieldsoce.colorsDensity oceColorsDensity
Create Colors Suitable for freesurface Fieldsoce.colorsFreesurface oceColorsFreesurface
Create Colors in a GEBCO-like Schemeoce.colorsGebco oceColorsGebco
Create Colors Similar to the Matlab Jet Schemeoce.colors9A oce.colorsJet oceColors9A oceColorsJet
Create Colors Suitable for oxygen Fieldsoce.colorsOxygen oceColorsOxygen
Create a Vector of Colorsoce.colorsPalette oceColorsPalette
Create Colors Suitable for PAR Fieldsoce.colorsPAR oceColorsPAR
Create Colors Suitable for phase Fieldsoce.colorsPhase oceColorsPhase
Create Colors Suitable for salinity Fieldsoce.colorsSalinity oceColorsSalinity
Create Colors Suitable for temperature Fieldsoce.colorsTemperature oceColorsTemperature
Create Colors Suitable for turbidity Fieldsoce.colorsTurbidity oceColorsTurbidity
Create Colors Similar to the Google Turbo Schemeoce.colorsTurbo oceColorsTurbo
Create Two-Color Paletteoce.colorsTwo oceColorsTwo
Create Colors Suitable for velocity Fieldsoce.colorsVelocity oceColorsVelocity
Create Colors Similar to the Matlab Viridis Schemeoce.colorsViridis oceColorsViridis
Create Colors Suitable for vorticity Fieldsoce.colorsVorticity oceColorsVorticity
Convolve Two Time Seriesoce.convolve oceConvolve
Coordinate Reference System Strings for Some OceansoceCRS
Print a Debugging Messageoce.debug oceDebug
Delete Something From the data Slot of an oce ObjectoceDeleteData
Delete Something in an oce metadata SlotoceDeleteMetadata
Edit an Oce Objectoce.edit oceEdit
Trim an oce FileoceFileTrim
Filter a Time Seriesoce.filter oceFilter
Extract Something From the data Slot of an oce ObjectoceGetData
Extract Something From the metadata Slot of an oce ObjectoceGetMetadata
Find the Type of an Oceanographic Data FileoceMagic
Translate Oce Data Names to WHP Data NamesoceNames2whpNames
Partial Matching of Strings or Numbersoce.pmatch ocePmatch
Wrapper to sf::sf_project()oceProject
Rename Something in the data slot of an oce ObjectoceRenameData
Rename Something in the metadata Slot of an oce ObjectoceRenameMetadata
Set Something in the data Slot of an oce ObjectoceSetData
Set Something in the metadata Slot of an oce ObjectoceSetMetadata
Smooth an oce Objectoce.smooth oceSmooth
Normalize a Spectrumoce.spectrum oceSpectrum
Translate oce Unit to WHP UnitoceUnits2whpUnits
Class to Store ODF Dataodf-class
Create ODF Object From Output of read_ODF in ODF packageODF2oce
Create a List of odf Header MetadataODFListFromHeader
Translate ODF CODE Strings to oce Variable NamesODFNames2oceNames
Parse a Latitude or Longitude StringparseLatLon
Plot an adp Objectplot,adp-method plot.adp
Plot an adv Objectplot,adv-method plot.adv
Plot an amsr Objectplot,amsr-method plot.amsr
Plot an argo Objectplot,argo-method plot.argo
Plot a bremen Objectplot,bremen-method plot.bremen
Plot a cm Objectplot,cm-method
Plot a coastline Objectplot,coastline-method plot.coastline
Plot a ctd Objectplot,ctd-method plot.ctd
Plot an echosounder Objectplot,echosounder-method plot.echosounder
Plot a gps Objectplot,gps-method plot.gps
Plot an ladp Objectplot,ladp-method plot.ladp
Plot a landsat Objectplot,landsat-method plot.landsat
Plot a lisst Objectplot,lisst-method plot.lisst
Plot a lobo objectplot,lobo-method plot.lobo
Plot a met Objectplot,met-method plot.met
Plot an oce Objectplot,oce-method plot.oce
Plot an odf Objectplot,odf-method plot.odf
Plot a rsk Objectplot,rsk-method plot.rsk
Plot a satellite Objectplot,satellite-method plot.satellite
Plot a sealevel Objectplot,sealevel-method plot.sealevel
Plot a section Objectplot,section-method plot.section
Plot a tidem Objectplot,tidem-method plot.tidem
Plot a topo Objectplot,topo-method plot.topo
Plot a windrose Objectplot,windrose-method plot.windrose
Plot an xbt Objectplot,xbt-method plot.xbt
Plot an Inset DiagramplotInset
Draw a Polar PlotplotPolar
Plot a ctd ProfileplotProfile
Plot a ctd Object in a Low-Level FashionplotScan
Draw a Stick PlotplotSticks
Plot a Model-data Comparison DiagramplotTaylor
Plot Temperature-Salinity DiagramplotTS
Predict a Tidal Signalpredict.tidem
Set Preference for Adjusted ValuespreferAdjusted
Get the Present Time, in a Stated TimezonepresentTime
Pretty Longitude/Latitude in Degree-Minute-Second FormatprettyPosition
Add an Item to a Processing LogprocessingLog<-
Append an Item to a Processing LogprocessingLogAppend
Create an Item That can be Inserted into a Processing LogprocessingLogItem
Show the Processing Log of an oce ObjectprocessingLogShow
Welch Periodogrampwelch
Calculate Range, Extended a Little, as is Done for AxesrangeExtended
Substitute NA for Data Outside a RangerangeLimit
Read an adp Fileread.adp
Read an adp File in Nortek AD2CP Formatread.adp.ad2cp
Read an adp File in Nortek Formatread.adp.nortek
Read an adp File in Teledyne/RDI Formatread.adp.rdi
Read an adp File in Sontek Formatread.adp.sontek
Read an adp File in Serial Sontek Formatread.adp.sontek.serial
Read an adv Fileread.adv
Read an adv Fileread.adv.nortek
Read an adv Fileread.adv.sontek.adr
Read an adv Fileread.adv.sontek.serial
Read an adv Fileread.adv.sontek.text
Read an amsr Fileread.amsr
Read an adp File in Nortek Aquadopp Formatread.aquadopp
Read Nortek Aquadopp-HR Fileread.aquadoppHR
Read an adp File in Nortek Aquadopp Formatread.aquadoppProfiler
Read an Argo Data Fileread.argo
Read an argo File in Copernicus Formatread.argo.copernicus
Read a bremen Fileread.bremen
Read a cm
Read a coastline Fileread.coastline
Read a coastline File in Openstreetmap Formatread.coastline.openstreetmap
Read a coastline File in Shapefile Formatread.coastline.shapefile
Read a ctd File in General Formatread.ctd
Read a ctd File in AML Formatread.ctd.aml
Read a ctd File in ITP Formatread.ctd.itp
Read a ctd File in odf Formatread.ctd.odf
Read a "ctd" File in ODV Formatread.ctd.odv
Read a ctd File in SAIV Formatread.ctd.saiv
Read a ctd File in Seabird Formatread.ctd.sbe
Read a ctd File in SSDA Formatread.ctd.ssda
Read a ctd File in WOCE-Exchange Formatread.ctd.woce
Read a ctd File in WOCE-Exchange EXPOCODE Formatread.ctd.woce.other
Read an echosounder Fileread.echosounder
Read a g1sst Fileread.g1sst
Read a gps Fileread.gps
Read a NOAA Ocean Index Fileread.index
Read a landsat File Directoryread.landsat
Read a lisst Fileread.lisst
Read a lobo Fileread.lobo
Read a met Fileread.met
Read a NetCDF Fileread.netcdf
Read an Oceanographic Data Fileread.oce
Read an odf Fileread.odf
Read a rsk Fileread.rsk
Read a sealevel Fileread.sealevel
Read a section Fileread.section
Read a topo Fileread.topo
Read a World Ocean Atlas NetCDF Fileread.woa
Read an xbt fileread.xbt
Read an xbt File in Sippican Format Type 1read.xbt.edf
Read an xbt File in Sippican Format Type 2read.xbt.edf2
Read an xbt File in NOAA Formatread.xbt.noaa1
Read an xbt File in UBT (Universal BathyThermograph) Formatread.xbt.noaa2
Rename variables according to a specified dictionaryrename
Rescale Values to lie in a Given Rangerescale
Variable Names in Adjustable SizesresizableLabel
Adjust The Time Within an oce Objectretime
Rotate Velocity Components Within an oce ObjectrotateAboutZ
Sample rsk Datarsk
Class to Store Rsk Datarsk-class
Create a ctd Object from an rsk Objectrsk2ctd
Estimate Atmospheric Pressure in an rsk ObjectrskPatm
Decode Table-of-Contents From an rsk FilerskToc
Calculate Running Linear Modelsrunlm
Class to Store Satellite Datasatellite-class
Sample sealevel Data (Halifax Harbour)sealevel
Class to Store Sealevel Datasealevel-class
Sample sealevel Data (Tuktoyaktuk)sealevelTuktoyaktuk
Express Time Interval as Colon-Separated StringsecondsToCtime
Sample section Datasection
Class to Store Hydrographic Section Datasection-class
Add a ctd Profile to a section ObjectsectionAddCtd sectionAddStation
Grid a Section in Pressure SpacesectionGrid
Smooth a SectionsectionSmooth
Sort a SectionsectionSort
Set Data-Quality Flags within a oce ObjectsetFlags
Set Data-Quality Flags within a adp ObjectsetFlags,adp-method
Set Data-Quality Flags within a ctd ObjectsetFlags,ctd-method
Set Data-Quality Flags within a oce ObjectsetFlags,oce-method
Shift Longitude to Range -180 to 180shiftLongitude
Show an Item in the metadata Slot of an oce ObjectshowMetadataItem
Convert From POSIXt Time to Sidereal TimesiderealTime
Convert From Snake-Case to Camel-Case NotationsnakeToCamel
Standard Oceanographic DepthsstandardDepths
Put Longitude in the Range From -180 to 180standardizeLongitude
Subset an adp Objectsubset,adp-method
Subset an adv Objectsubset,adv-method
Subset an amsr Objectsubset,amsr-method
Subset an argo Objectsubset,argo-method subset.argo
Subset a cm Objectsubset,cm-method
Subset a coastline Objectsubset,coastline-method subset.coastline
Subset a ctd Objectsubset,ctd-method
Subset an echosounder Objectsubset,echosounder-method
Subset a lobo Objectsubset,lobo-method
Subset a met Objectsubset,met-method
Subset an oce Objectsubset,oce-method
Subset an odf Objectsubset,odf-method
Subset a rsk Objectsubset,rsk-method
Subset a sealevel Objectsubset,sealevel-method
Subset a section Objectsubset,section-method subset.section
Subset a topo Objectsubset,topo-method
Subset an xbt Objectsubset,xbt-method
Subtract Bottom Velocity From an adp ObjectsubtractBottomVelocity
Summarize an adp Objectsummary,adp,missing-method summary,adp-method summary.adp
Summarize an adv Objectsummary,adv-method
Summarize an amsr Objectsummary,amsr-method
Summarize an argo Objectsummary,argo-method summary.argo
Summarize a bremen Objectsummary,bremen-method
Summarize a cm Objectsummary,cm-method
Summarize a coastline Objectsummary,coastline-method summary.coastline
Summarize a ctd Objectsummary,ctd-method summary.ctd
Summarize an echosounder Objectsummary,echosounder-method
Summarize a gps Objectsummary,gps-method
Summarize an ladp Objectsummary,ladp-method
Summarize a landsat Objectsummary,landsat-method
Summarize a lisst Objectsummary,lisst-method
Summarize a lobo Objectsummary,lobo-method
Summarize a met Objectsummary,met-method
Summarize an oce Objectsummary,oce-method
Summarize an odf Objectsummary,odf-method
Summarize a rsk Objectsummary,rsk-method
Summarize a satellite Objectsummary,satellite-method
Summarize a sealevel Objectsummary,sealevel-method
Summarize a section Objectsummary,section-method summary.section
Summarize a tidem Objectsummary,tidem-method
Summarize a topo Objectsummary,topo-method
Summarize a windrose Objectsummary,windrose-method
Summarize an xbt Objectsummary,xbt-method
Solar Angle as Function of Space and TimesunAngle
Sun Declination and Right AscensionsunDeclinationRightAscension
Seawater Absolute Salinity (GSW Formulation)swAbsoluteSalinity
Seawater Thermal Expansion CoefficientswAlpha
Ratio of Seawater Thermal Expansion Coefficient to Haline Contraction CoefficientswAlphaOverBeta
Seawater Haline Contraction CoefficientswBeta
Seawater Conservative Temperature (GSW Formulation)swConservativeTemperature
Electrical Conductivity Ratio From Salinity, Temperature and PressureswCSTp
Water DepthswDepth
Dynamic Height of a Seawater ProfileswDynamicHeight
Seawater Lapse RateswLapseRate
Squared Buoyancy Frequency for SeawaterswN2
Water PressureswPressure
Seawater DensityswRho
Density RatioswRrho
Practical Salinity From Electrical Conductivity, Temperature and PressureswSCTp
Seawater Density AnomalyswSigma
Seawater Potential Density Anomaly Referenced to Surface PressureswSigma0
Seawater Potential Density Anomaly Referenced to 1000db PressureswSigma1
Seawater Potential Density Anomaly Referenced to 2000db PressureswSigma2
Seawater Potential Density Anomaly Referenced to 3000db PressureswSigma3
Seawater Potential Density Anomaly Referenced to 4000db PressureswSigma4
Seawater Quasi-Potential Density AnomalyswSigmaT
Seawater Potential Density AnomalyswSigmaTheta
Seawater Sound AbsorptionswSoundAbsorption
Seawater Sound SpeedswSoundSpeed
Seawater Specific HeatswSpecificHeat
Seawater SpicinessswSpice
Spiciness in gsw System, Referenced to Surface PressureswSpiciness0
Spiciness in gsw System, Referenced to 1000 dbar PressureswSpiciness1
Spiciness in gsw System, Referenced to 2000 dbar PressureswSpiciness2
Seawater Reference Salinity (GSW Formulation)swSR
Seawater Preformed Salinity (GSW Formulation)swSstar
Seawater Salinity From Temperature and DensityswSTrho
Seawater Freezing TemperatureswTFreeze
Seawater Thermal ConductivityswThermalConductivity
Seawater Potential Temperature (UNESCO Version)swTheta
Seawater Temperature from Salinity and DensityswTSrho
Seawater ViscosityswViscosity
Vertical CoordinateswZ
Convert From ITS-90 to IPTS-68 TemperatureT68fromT90
Convert From ITS-48 to ITS-90 TemperatureT90fromT48
Convert From IPTS-68 to ITS-90 TemperatureT90fromT68
Extract the End of an Oce Objecttail.oce
Calculate Minimum, Mean, and Maximum Valuesthreenum
Tidal Current DatasettidalCurrent
Tidal Constituent Informationtidedata
Fit a Tidal Model to a Timeseriestidem
Class to Store Tidal Modelstidem-class
Astronomical Calculations for tidemtidemAstron
Change Tidal Constituent Name from T-TIDE to Foreman ConventiontidemConstituentNameFix
Nodal Modulation Calculations for Tidal AnalysestidemVuf
Convert Time to Argo Julian Day (juld)timeToArgoJuld
Capitalize First Letter of Each of a Vector of WordstitleCase
Rotate Acoustic-Doppler Data to the ENU Coordinate SystemtoEnu
Convert an adp Object to ENU CoordinatestoEnuAdp
Convert an adv Object to ENU CoordinatestoEnuAdv
Class to Store Topographic Datatopo-class
Interpolate Within a topo ObjecttopoInterpolate
Global Topographic Data (at Half-degree Resolution)topoWorld
Determine Year From Various AbbreviationsunabbreviateYear
Correct for Drift in an Instrument ClockundriftTime
Rename Duplicated Character StringsunduplicateNames
Extract (x, y, z) From (x, y, grid)ungrid
Decode Units From StringsunitFromString
Infer rsk Units From a Vector of StringsunitFromStringRsk
Unwrap an Angle That Suffers Modulo-360 ProblemsunwrapAngle
Replace the Heading for One Instrument With That of AnotheruseHeading
Calculate Geographic Coordinates of Plot BoxusrLonLat
Convert UTM to Longitude and Latitudeutm2lonlat
Show Some Values From a List, Vector or MatrixvectorShow
Report Statistics of adp or adv VelocitiesvelocityStatistics
Get a Tidal Prediction From a WebTide Databasewebtide
Sample Wind Datawind
Window an oce Object by Time or Distancewindow.oce
Class to Store windrose Datawindrose-class
Translate WOCE Data Names to Oce Data NameswoceNames2oceNames
Translate WOCE Units to oce UnitswoceUnit2oceUnit
Save a ctd Object in a CSV Filewrite.ctd
Sample xbt Dataxbt
Class to Store XBT (Expendable Bathythermograph) Dataxbt-class
Sample xbt File in space-separated .edf Formatxbt.edf
Sample xbt File in tab-separated .edf Formatxbt2.edf
Convert Acoustic-Doppler Data From XYZ to ENU CoordinatesxyzToEnu
Convert adp Object From XYZ to ENU CoordinatesxyzToEnuAdp
Convert adp Object of AD2CP type From XYZ to ENU CoordinatesxyzToEnuAdpAD2CP
Convert an adv Object From XYZ to ENU CoordinatesxyzToEnuAdv